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18th June 2015

FemDom news as Mistress Chatterley confirms double Domination Sessions.

Mistress Chatterley announces a day of double Dominatrix Sessions alongside Her close friend & associate Amber West & together they’re offering a very limited number of Sessions which are scheduled to take place in London on the date displayed up above. Polite applications to Serve Mistress Chatterley & Mistress West during this rare opportunity can now be Submitted via their sites & are open to beginners as well as the more experienced slave & submissive but please note that you may be required to pay an advance deposit in order to secure your appointment.

The double Domination Sessions are being conducted in central London from a fully equipped Dungeon facility located in Earls Court which is easily accessible by numerous transport links & are set to take place from early in the morning until late in the afternoon. As mentioned this is a rare chance to Serve two well established Dominatrix's in the centre of the English Capital so with this in mind early request are encouraged so as to avoid disappointment.

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